The Art of Change Management
They always say there are two things guaranteed in life—death and taxes. You can add a third thing to that statement— change . Nothing in life is static, and change is inevitable. Yet when it comes to the business environment (and in life), most people do not embrace change. Change scares them. Why do so many people fear change? A recent article in Inc ., titled “Science Says This is Why You Fear Change (And What To Do About It),” Case in point: one study had a group of people view a painting that they were told was done in 1905. The next group viewed the same painting but this group was told that the painting was done in 2005. The 1905 group rated the painting much more aesthetically pleasing than the other group. We like that which has been around for a while. That's the obvious reason for why we don't like change. But it runs deeper than that. We also fear the new because of the uncertainty it brings. As popular podcaster Tim Ferri...