
Showing posts from June, 2020

Surviving 90 Days in a Pandemic

SURVIVING 90 DAYS IN A PANDEMIC DOESN’T INCLUDE OVER-BUYING TOILET PAPER The book Stop Buying Toilet Paper – Your Guide to Surviving 90 Days advocates effective strategies to get through a pandemic or disaster. SACRAMENTO, California —In March 2020, our world and way of life literally changed overnight. The spread of the deadly COVID-19 made national and international headlines. People got sick by the millions and thousands began dying. The way the virus spread (from person to person) seemed like a story straight out of Hollywood and movies like I am Legend or 27 Days .             However, people had the strangest reaction—they panicked and started buying in bulk not nonperishable food, dairy products, or meat and produce; they started buying toilet paper. Yes, stores can’t keep toilet paper stocked on the shelves. Walk into any grocery store and the toilet paper and even the paper towels and tiss...

What is Stop Buying Toilet Paper – Your Guide to Surviving 90 Days about?

Q. What is Stop Buying Toilet Paper – Your Guide to Surviving 90 Days about? A. It’s a comprehensive guide to help people make practical decisions about what they need to survive this pandemic or any other disaster. It features information about the differences between bacteria and viruses; how the immune system works and natural techniques to improve it; tips for better mental wellbeing; and the ABCs of home defense, and more. Why did you write the book? I went to the store to buy alcohol pads and they were sold out. So I figured OK, I'll just buy rubbing alcohol and do it the old fashion way and use cotton balls, AND THAT WAS SOLD OUT! So I went to the front and asked, “Where’s all the rubbing alcohol?” and they said, “Oh, people are using it to make hand sanitizer.”  So knowing Americans love to do things backwards, I said to myself, all the toilet paper is gone and all the rubbing alcohol. I want to see something. So I wen...